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Gohar Khodro Shargh Company in the Kaizen Training Course in Japan

Gohar Khodro Shargh Company in the Kaizen Training Course in Japan

September 15 2024

The Board of Directors of Gohar Khodro Shargh has Participated in the Kaizen Training Course and Visited the Factories in Line with the Trip to Japan

During the Work Mission of Gohar Khodro Shargh Board of Directors to Japan (Tokyo and Osaka Cities) on 30 June - 9 July 2024 to Participate in the Training Course on Compliance with Business Standards and Productivity Management and Continuous Improvement of Kaizen, Visiting Manufacturing Factories and Visiting Innovation Exhabition Creative & Marketing Expo Tokyo. In the Presence of the Commercial and Production Team from Iran, while Attending the Training Course and Introduction of Gohar Khodro Shargh Company, Negotiations were Held with a Number of Iranian Businessmen and Manufacturers Present in this Course, and on the Other Hand, with the Managers of the WBA Organization. 

One oh the Largest Consulting Associations in Japan, which is in Contact with European and Asian Countries, Regarding Business with other Countries, after Discussions and Familiarization Discussions Took Place and it was Decided that Upon Returning from the Mission, the Board of Directors should Immediately Implement the Kaizen Model in the Company and Use and Implement the Experiences Gained with the Help of Gohar Khodro Shargh Company Managers.

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