Based on the Report of the Honorable Management of the Factory Regarding the Increase in Personnel Efficiency, A Support Package was Distributed to all Employees of Gohar Khodro Shargh Company on Thursday 2023/10/12
Referring to the Report of the Honorable Management of the Factory about Breaking the Production Record Based on the First 8 months of 2022 during the First Six months of 2023 and Increasing the Efficiency of Personnal in the fields of monthly Work, the Percentage of Realization of the Production Plan, the Percentage of Performane of Production Lines, the Percentage of Unabsorbed Production Lines and the Reduction of PPM, the Board of Directors, while Thanking him and all the Personnel, gave a Support Package Including Tea, Tuna, Tomato, Pasta, Sugar, Oil and Soybeans to all the Personnel, and on Thursday 2023/10/12 for Three Shifts of the Company were Distributed among all Personnel.